Racial Equity & Reconciliation Initiative goals & strategies

Let’s hold the City accountable around Racial reconciliation Framework and Report (Goals: pgs 23-45)

Goal 1: End systemic racism in Long Beach, in all local government and partner agencies, through internal transformation

  1. Acknowledge the history and current role of racism in Long Beach and commit to actionable long-term anti-racist action to make institutional system change within Long Beach.
  2. Create transparent measurement tools to understand the scale and depth of racism within the City governmental structure (including internal and external impacts), to inform institutional change, along with appropriate metrics to evaluate effectiveness of such change.
  3. Center voices of communities/community members most impacted by systemic racism in policies, practices, and programs.
  4. Build robust organizational capacity to support anti-racist reform.
  5. Ensure all levels of City leadership and staff fully reflect the diversity of Long Beach.
  6. Utilize an equity lens to transparently evaluate City policies, processesses, and regulation and take meaningful steps to eliminate systemic racism in Long Beach.
  7. Ensure budget, contracting and procurement processes intentionally and equitably address past and present impacts of systemic racism and build positive futures for those most impacted.
  8. Engage and collaborate with local public and private sector partners to implement transformation across systems.


Goal 2: Design and invest in community safety and violence prevention

  1. Explore and increase investments in the broader continuum of public safety, such as community-based violence prevention and interventions, and civilianization of services that can be performed by civilian staff rather than the Police.
  2. Strengthen community-based violence prevention and intervention systems.
  3. Increase coordinated re-entry networks to support formerly justice-involved individuals and reduce recidivism.


Goal 3: Redesign police approach to community safety

  1. Explore non-police alternatives to law enforcement emergency response.
  2. Redesign police oversight and accountability through improved complaint and discipline practices.
  3. Redesign police tactics, training, retention and accountability
  4. Pursue advocacy with other agencies to enhance police oversight and accountability.


Goal 4: Improve health and wellness in the City by eliminating social and economic disparities in the communities most impacted by racism

  1. Advance health equity.
  2. Advance economic equity.
  3. Advance safe, healthy and affordable housing.
  4. Advance environmental and climate justice.
  5. New Investment in Health, Environment, Youth and Economic Equity.
  6. Cannabis Equity.